


Tonya Ores of Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn and Jeanique Riche-Druses of 澳博官方网站app are empowering women ­­to manage their properties.


  • 作者:Lib Aubuchon,


家不仅仅是一个居住的地方. 它是你建立未来的基础. 它的稳定. 它的安全. 除了提供住所, owning property can also have an immense financial impact on people’s ability to save and build generational wealth. 和 homeownership rates help the local economy by increased spending within the community.

这就是为什么这家非营利性住房组织的首席执行官托尼娅·奥雷斯 布鲁克林社区住房服务中心 has been working tirelessly for more than 25 years to ensure that members of her community have access to homeownership opportunities. 她说:“每个人都需要一个安全、负担得起的住所。. “That’s why the mission of NHS布鲁克林 [is] to help people stay in their homes.”

布鲁克林NHS成立于1982年, just a few years after several local groups organized protests against local banks in Brooklyn accused of redlining — a discriminatory practice of denying mortgage loans in areas considered risky financial investments. 这个非营利组织团结了附近的居民, educating them on the housing market and assisting them with home improvement loans.

虽然布鲁克林的NHS服务于所有社区成员, it understands the particular importance of helping women gain economic independence. 直到1974年,当平等信贷机会法 通过, single women often faced hurdles and discrimination when trying to obtain a mortgage without a male co-signer. 尽管如此, single women have been the second largest group of home purchasers (17 percent) — trailing only married couples (61 percent) and nearly doubling single men (9 percent) in 2022 — since the National Association of Realtors started tracking the data in 1981.

Today, 85 percent of the people NHS布鲁克林 helps are women, and the组织的服务列表 已经扩大到包括首次购房者教育, 家居维修培训, 保险咨询, 租户的服务, 房屋维修贷款, 房东培训.

在…的帮助下 澳博官方网站app, Ores has the backing and support needed to enhance the services her team provides to Brooklyn communities. “Like many non-profit organizations,奥尔斯说。, “one of the hurdles is funding. 澳博官方网站app是我们的守护天使. Their support provided us with the funds needed to help all community members, 尤其是女性, 被授权, 成为更强大的企业主, 成为专业的物业经理. 他们把我们带到了另一个层次.”

澳博官方网站app 支持布鲁克林NHS超过20年 最近该组织获得了1美元的奖金.9 million grant to provide education and training for owners of one- to four-unit homes, 帮助他们增加财产价值,积累财富. 这笔投资是该公司的一部分 年度挑战赛, which began in 2018 and sources innovative and sustainable ideas to advance equity in the United States. This year’s competition called for projects focused on supporting women of color, 布鲁克林NHS是2023年全国选出的八个获奖者之一.

“买房子是一回事. 维护它完全是另一回事, 保持它, and leverage that asset to generate generational wealth for you and your family,Jeanique rich - druses说, 澳博官方网站app全球慈善事业执行董事.

20多年来,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)也是如此支持 the group by assisting with their homeownership and financial education programs. These programs assist low- to moderate-income families in buying their first homes, provide clients with individual pre-purchase homeownership counseling services, connect distressed homeowners to permanent mortgage modifications that can help reduce their monthly housing costs.

对奥尔斯和里奇-德鲁斯来说,这是一项私人任务. When Ores was in high school, her father lost the family home as a result of predatory lending. 她说:“我不希望其他人也这样。. “能够提供安全, 负担得起的, 为社区和家庭提供体面的住房对我来说意义重大.”

和, 家里有很多女人都是一家之主, Riche-Druses knows first-hand how critical it is for them to shatter gender stereotypes and embrace home maintenance roles.

“We’re all used to watching the shows on TV about making something open concept or reinforcing the stairs,她说。, 但是,“如果没有人指导你完成这个过程,会发生什么呢? 布鲁克林的NHS有一个项目, to help homeowners increase the value of their property to create generational wealth, 为社区服务, 并提供急需的经济适用房.”

As a leader, Ores takes pride in the sense of community fostered within her organization. 她强调团结和合作的力量, 尤其是在朝着共同目标努力的女性之间, and she sees herself as a testament to what can be achieved through determination. “当女人聚在一起的时候, 我们在同一条路上,走同一条路, 它非常强大,奥尔斯说。.

“这就是为什么我们很自豪地支持NHS的使命, 因为他们积极地赋予女性权力,里奇-德鲁斯说. “通过赋予女性权力,我们正在创造一个更加公平的经济.”

奥莉丝和她的团队, 在澳博官方网站app的支持下, are not just advocating for 负担得起的 housing: They’re designing futures and fulfilling the promise that a home carries.

看看澳博官方网站app is committed to creating a more inclusive and stronger economy through community investments.

了解更多 about 澳博官方网站app’s commitment to advancing women-owned businesses 在这里.

了解更多 about how 澳博官方网站app supports the economic growth of 纽约 City


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