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研究 Post-COVID Consumer 支出 in New York City

2019冠状病毒病大流行爆发后,消费者零售活动发生了巨大变化, in amounts of money spent, types of goods and services purchased (Wheat et al. 2021b), distances traveled (法雷尔等人. 2020), use of 在线 retail (Wheat et al. 2021a),或面临的健康风险和政府限制的组合(Wheat等人). 2021c). 消费者可能会从小型零售商转向大型零售商,这一点虽然没有得到衡量,但同样令人担忧.[1] This may be important as either a cause or a consequence of how different types of retailers have fared since 3月ch 2020. 另外, 对消费者消费行为的洞察可以帮助决策者和商业领袖了解不同类型的零售商在不久的将来所面临的挑战.

We use the credit and debit card transactions of approximately 1.500万人描述不同类型的零售商(大致对应于规模)和购买渠道(线上和线下)的消费者支出行为。. We focus on purchases of general goods and groceries. While overall spending growth for these products is strong, 我们发现,不同类型的零售商之间的增长并不一定均等. While the pandemic provoked a precipitous divergence in the share of spending captured by different types of retailers, 各类零售商的支出份额正在恢复到大流行前的水平. 重要的是, we observe very different outcomes across product types, which suggests that firms, 消费者, 或者,社区可能需要针对零售经济的特定部门提供量身定制的支持.


Our sample for this study is comprised of debit and credit card transactions from a sample of approximately 1.5 million 追逐 customers who lived in the New York-Newark, 2019年1月至2021年8月期间NY-NJ-CT-PA核心统计区域. 为了将个人的交易包括在我们的样本中,此人必须具备:

  1. 通过他们持有的大通银行信用账户和支票账户进行了10次或更多的交易;
  2. lived in a ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA)[2] that is part of New York City for the month in question.[3]

将我们的分析限制在我们研究期间每个月定期活动的人身上,可以防止将大通银行客户群的增长作为纽约人总体消费增长的代表. 而追逐客户不能根据他们的活动进入和退出样本, we allow for entry and exit based on location. 取, 例如, 从2019年1月到2021年2月住在曼哈顿邮政编码10027的人, then moved outside of the city in 3月ch 2021 and did not return. From January 2019 until February 2021, their transactions would be included in the spending we measure. From 3月ch 2021 through 8月ust 2021 however, their transactions would not be included in our measures.

我们在分析中主要关注销售两种产品类型的零售商:普通商品和杂货. General goods retailers include department stores, discount stores, large 在线 retailers selling a variety of goods, 以及其他零售商,如花店和出售日常用品的书店. 杂货零售商包括出售食品供在家消费的商家. This includes traditional grocery stores, 面包店, specialty food stores, and some 在线 grocery delivery services.


The key distinction between retailers in this report is whether a retailer is categorized as a 顶级零售商 or not. 在整个报告中,这两个群体将被称为“顶级零售商”和“其他零售商”.” While there are many ways to measure firm size and market power, for the purposes of this report, we categorized firms based on rough measures of market share, establishment count, and geographic footprint.

我们首先根据它们在纽约-纽瓦克的份额确定了前100家机构, NY-NJ-CT-PA基于核心的统计区域市场在给定年份(2019年)的支出, 2020, 和2021年), through a given channel (在线 and 离线), and for a given product (general goods and groceries). 例如, in one iteration of this process, 我们确定了2019年线下杂货市场份额最大的100家机构. For each firm represented in this list, we then counted the number of establishments they list on their website and identified where these establishments are located. 最后,我们使用表1中的方案将公司分类为顶级零售商或其他零售商.[4] 如果一家公司没有出现在市场占有率最高的企业名单中, they are automatically classified as 其他零售商s.

结合我们的购买渠道视图和零售商类型视图,我们可以为纽约人的消费创建四种类别:发生在顶级零售商(标记为离线)的离线交易, 顶级零售商 in the figures below), 离线 transactions occurring at 其他零售商s (Offline, 其他零售商), 在线 transactions occurring at 顶级零售商 (Online, 顶级零售商), and 在线 transactions occurring at 其他零售商s (Online, 其他零售商). These categories are the basis for this analysis.

Table 1: How we assign 零售商类型 after identifying top firms

Count of Establishments   




Inside and outside the New York City CBSA



Only inside the New York City CBSA






Predominantly 在线, no locations except popups, offers service to areas inside and outside the CBSA



Only inside the New York City CBSA








找到一个: 强劲的顶线支出增长掩盖了渠道和零售商类型之间的重要差异.

Overall spending growth remained positive throughout the pandemic, excepting the immediate shock in April 2020. 图1显示了2019年1月至2021年8月的支出水平, indexed to spending levels in 2019. 2020年4月,一般商品的总支出比2019年1月低7%. 到2021年8月,总支出比2019年1月高出26%,即使与大流行前的水平相比,支出增长水平也很强劲. (Office of the New York State Comptroller 2022)  

图1:一般商品的线上支出增长强于线下支出, regardless of 零售商类型

在我们的观察期内,总支出增长总体强劲, spending varied substantially by product, 零售商类型, 和通道. As our prior research demonstrates (Wheat et al. 2021a, 2021b, 2021c), 2020年3月,各种产品的线下和线上零售支出增长出现分歧,并进入了线上增长持续优于线下增长的新动态. 这种模式适用于纽约人在一般商品上的支出. 值得注意的是, this pattern holds across 零售商类型s as well; 在线 spending growth at 其他零售商s is consistently higher than 离线 spending growth at 顶级零售商.

图1中没有显示的一个重要的细微差别是,消费者可以从同一家公司进行在线和离线购买, [5] 这样,公司就可以用在线支出抵消线下支出的下降. 事实上,公司甚至可能鼓励这种转变(所谓的“砖块和点击”模式)。. (Hortaçsu and Syverson 2015). 记住这一点很重要,因为大公司可能有更多的资源来开发和维护在线服务,以补充他们的离线服务. (Rodrigue 2020)

发现二: 新冠疫情爆发时,纽约人的消费转向了网上顶级零售商, but spending shares are returning to pre-pandemic levels.

此外,不同类别的纽约人的消费增长也不尽相同, 在我们的研究期间,他们在每个类别中花费的相对金额有很大的不同. 我们发现,纽约人的消费转向了在线零售商和顶级零售商and away from 离线 spending at 其他零售商sstarting in 3月ch 2020. 这方面最明显的例子是顶级零售商向网上消费的急剧转变. 然而, these shifts reversed over the course of 2020 and 2021.

衡量纽约人如何在不同类别中分配他们的支出, 我们使用其他零售商线下消费与其他三类消费的比率. 这使我们能够对这些类别的相对份额进行美元价值计算,并大致评估消费者如何分配支出, regardless of overall growth at a given time. 例如, in Figure 2 we see that 每1美元.2020年1月,00名纽约人在其他零售商线下消费,他们花了3美元.60 在线 at the 顶级零售商. This figure rose to $12.76 每1美元.00 in April 2020 and fell to $3.77 每1美元.00 in 8月ust 2021. 另外, by 8月ust 2021 New Yorkers were spending relatively less 离线 at the 顶级零售商 than before the pandemic. New Yorkers spent $2.02 离线 at 顶级零售商 每1美元.00 离线 at 其他零售商s in January 2020. This figure fell to $1.83 每1美元.00 by 8月ust 2021. This is interesting but should be interpreted with caution. As mentioned above, a limitation of this analysis is that 在线 and 离线 spending done at the same retailer is presented in separate categories. 一些 of the decline in 离线 spending at the 顶级零售商 is being offset by 在线 spending increases at those same retailers.


这最初似乎与一种普遍的国家说法相矛盾,即大流行将引发激烈的战争, durable shift in spending away from smaller, 离线 retailers. (博伊尔2021, D’Innocenzio 2020, 弗里德曼2020年, Nassauer 2020) We do indeed observe a drastic shift, 只有在我们的研究期结束时,观察到我们的系列恢复到大流行前的水平. 此外, a return to pre-pandemic patterns does not diminish the disruptions to revenues and expenses businesses faced during this time. It may also be the case that what may be a valid national narrative may not hold in the same ways in New York City, 对于这座城市来说,可能是一种有效的叙述,但在不同的社区之间却有着显著的不同. 在不同地理粒度层次上的进一步研究将有助于阐明这一点.

图2的一个显著特征是,在我们整个研究期间, 纽约人在其他零售商线下消费的金额总是四类中最低的. 其他类别都没有低于1美元.00 (i.e. 每1美元.00个纽约人在其他零售商线下消费,他们总是至少花费1美元.00 in each of the other categories). 这是一个关于该产品在纽约市场结构的实证结果. As we demonstrate in Finding 3, 其他零售商的线下消费不一定是最低的. 最后, 2020年春季和初夏发生的消费模式的巨大变化可能会给人一种较小的变化没有意义的印象. 然而, 市场份额的微小但持久的变化,大约是一美元的几美分, rather than multiples of dollars, 从长远来看,对利润率较低的零售商来说可能仍然很重要.

发现三: 在疫情期间,纽约人继续把目光投向顶级零售商以外的地方.

我们观察到的纽约人在一般商品上的消费模式并不适用于所有的产品类型. We find that New Yorkers’ spending on groceries across our categories is notably different during the study period. 与此形成鲜明对比的是 to general goods spending, 2020年3月,杂货店的线上和线下支出都有所增加, with 离线 spending remaining notably positive. Like general goods spending however, 在疫情前,无论零售商类型如何,在线支出的增长速度都低于线下支出,疫情后这种情况发生了变化.

图3:疫情后,在线杂货支出的增长速度快于线下支出, regardless of 零售商类型

We observed noticeable differences in spending by New Yorkers on general goods and groceries by channel and 零售商类型. As Figure 4 demonstrates, 每1美元.纽约人在其他零售商线下消费时,他们只花了不到1美元.00 in each of the other categories. 例如, the spending ratio for 顶级零售商 was $0.80 in January 2020, and steadily declined to $0.67 by 8月ust 2021. It is relevant to note again that New York City may prove different than the rest of the country in this regard. The way people spend on food to consume at home in New York City may be different to other cities in the country, let alone suburban and rural areas.[6]


top和其他零售商的在线杂货消费比例相对较低,这表明它们只占整个市场的一小部分, despite their high growth rates shown in Figure 3. It is also notable that New Yorkers spent more 在线 at 其他零售商s than they did 在线 at the 顶级零售商. The spending ratio for 其他零售商s 在线 was on average $0.在研究时间上比顶级在线零售商高出04个百分点. 随着不同类型的零售商寻求应对后covid经济的变化和挑战, 纽约市杂货商的例子可能是一个有趣的案例研究.

发现四: 影响

可以理解的是,人们担心大流行可能以牺牲其他零售商为代价,极大地提高了顶级零售商的成功. 我们观察到的不同类型零售商和渠道的消费增长差异确实表明,顶级零售商的增长方式与其他在线和线下零售商相比存在显著差异. We also observe that for general goods spending, 在疫情爆发的头几个月里,人们对顶级在线零售商的需求发生了急剧转变. 然而, this changed over the course of the rest of the pandemic, 纽约人在一般商品上的支出分配恢复到接近大流行前的水平. 其他零售行业可能会经历不同的后疫情经济, and a reversion to pre-pandemic trends does not diminish the real challenges smaller retailers have faced over the past two years.

Longer-term trends toward 在线 spending at 顶级零售商 may challenge inclusive growth more than the short-term COVID spike. In more recent months, the top general goods retailers received a smaller share of spending than they did during the height of the pandemic. 这个说, 顶级零售商的在线支出增长速度快于所有其他支出类别,在整个研究期间的支出份额是最高的. While 消费者’ move toward 顶级零售商 在线 may be small relative to the shifts we observe at the height of the pandemic, 如果从中长期持续下去,这种变化可能会产生影响, especially for retailers whose margins are tight. 政策makers might usefully attend to these longer-term structural changes when considering programs to support all businesses.

政策制定者可以根据特定行业需求定制后疫情经济业务支持计划. 我们的研究结果显示,消费者在食品杂货和一般商品上的支出存在巨大差异. Top 在线 retailers of general goods continue to capture the largest share of consumer spend in the post-COVID economy. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, smaller grocers still capture materially larger shares of consumer spend than 顶级零售商 in New York City, 尽管线下和线上消费在顶级杂货商中的份额都在增加. 这些差异表明,决策者在评估业务支持计划时,可以根据部门和零售商类型进行区分,从而受益, 特别是那些旨在促进网上销售的项目. 例如, a goods retailer may need technical assistance to understand the costs and benefits associated with offering delivery or pickup, how to leverage payment or 在线 customer service platforms, or how to manage shipping logistics. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 专业服务公司可能会受益于为新的视听设备或高速宽带基础设施投资的创新融资,以提高其在线服务的质量.

Further research can help local policymakers better support businesses and communities in the post-COVID economy. 研究不同地理粒度水平的消费者支出超出了本报告的范围,但对于更好地理解后疫情经济至关重要. 在这种情况下, 对其他城市或地区covid后消费行为的分析可以提供背景,有助于解释我们对纽约市的研究结果. 同样的, 在次城市层面对这些模式进行更细致的地理分析,可以为每个当地社区的纽约人的经历提供更有针对性的对话. More local analysis is critical to informing public policy, 因为社区水平差异的影响可能比跨城市差异更重要. (法雷尔等人. 2019)



Local Economic Development 研究 Lead